World Building 101: Add Clickable Links To Your World

Follow these steps to place clickable text links into your world.



IMPORTANT UPDATE - Sept 1st, 2020

As of now Altspace has removed the browser from PC entirely so these links will ONLY work on mobile devices such as the Quest. This method still works in that regard but you should know you will be alienating much of your audience from being able to participate. There is currently no other way to include links for PC users. Sucks, huh?

1️⃣ Enter your world editor and add a BASICS → LABEL object with text no longer than 30 characters.

2️⃣ Place the label where you want the link exactly and record your Position XYZ, Rotation XYZ, and Scale value. You can now delete that label.

3️⃣ Log into and press the MORE menu button, select WORLDS from the drop-down menu. In the black sub-menu bar select MY WORLDS, then UNIVERSES, and now simply locate your desired world.

4️⃣ Click the EDIT button under World Tools on the left, then click the ADVANCED OPTIONS button at the bottom of the left side.

5️⃣ Scroll to the bottom once again, locate the section named OVERRIDES, and paste in the following code:

"links": [
"name": "30-char text label here",
"uri": "https://url_to_your_site/here",
"position": {
"x": "0",
"y": "0",
"z": "0"
"rotation": {
"x": "0",
"y": "0",
"z": "0"
"scale": {
"x": "1",
"y": "1",
"z": "1"

6️⃣ Edit the values in the code above to match the values you recorded from the original placement of your text label.

7️⃣ Update your world and reset the space. Voila!

What About Multiple Links?

Great question. What I’ve done below is take the code above and move things up to single lines to make it more compact then I simply added a comma after the first link’s {code block} and added a second link {code block}. The [square brackets] denote a list in JSON so think of each {code block} as an item in the list. Repeat this for as many links as you wish!

"links": [
"name": "First Link",
"uri": "https://url_to_your_site/here",
"position": { "x": "0", "y": "0", "z": "0" },
"rotation": { "x": "0", "y": "0", "z": "0" },
"scale": { "x": "1", "y": "1", "z": "1" }
"name": "Second Link",
"uri": "https://url_to_your_site/here",
"position": { "x": "0", "y": "0", "z": "0" },
"rotation": { "x": "0", "y": "0", "z": "0" },
"scale": { "x": "1", "y": "1", "z": "1" }




I exist in the metaverse of virtual reality. My hobbies include breaking levels, finding exploits, creating my very own worlds, and some light baking!